Please delete this thread. This happened a really long time ago and the glitch was fixed.
ERROR. I realized I made a mistake. I do not know how to delete this thread.
why are people writting random nubers like #13 lol. Is op prison also going to reset? Is the server down atm? :<)
I was just wondering if op prison was also going to reset. I also cant log on to the server. Just want 2 know whats happening.
FIRST POST: Hello, I am reporting BunnyPistol for attempting to hack. He/She claimed to not be able to fly with their hacks. If they are...
Hello, Come to michael16's plot (/p h michael16) to sell your ET for 30bil. You can also sell lava and beacons from voter partied for 10bil. Thank...
Hello, I am reporting BunnyPistol for attempting to hack. He/She claimed to not be able to fly with their hacks. If they are attempting fly...
Hello, I am reporting kingdave002 for attempting to scam players! He created a box and told people they could buy ET for a good deal inside....
Thanks :D
As you can see below, these are just a few of the players -that were online- that ImToothakeYT attempted to (did) scam. [ATTACH]
We made a deal that he would pay me 15tril for 10 heads from my collection. As you can see in the image while we were private messaging, he told...