Anyways I gtg plus I dont have hacks
How am I hating when he started sayig I spelled a word wrong when you did to.
Plus shut the up he spelled a word wrong and now your just hatig
Cuz he plays with my brother on a different game. I dont play with him i just know hin from me playing
Which one?
Im a true player I never hacked ever I love thos server so much I play it all the time plus I payed 80 for it!
Hes plays and I dont even know him
Fine tell jibonbdcraft, Steel507, rct3dude and lionbdcraft
Dude I can see he was lagginng and my brother wanted to play so I gave it to my brother tell jibonbdcraft
Dude it was my ing brother not me you even know I dont do that I try getting knocked up by the zombies hittig me.
ikr jarroy he uses kill aura he just turns the profile off when he records
Plz that wasnt me it was my inng brother asking to play like always and you cant even tell jibonbdcraft.
Just stfu your getting annoying
Didnt you see the fps he was getting
Go ahead and tell people on servers such as kitpvp and more!
Im a true player you can tell people on other servers on mineverse such as prison kitpvp and more
Yes it is