Good Luck man you deserve it! Nice app by the way
When is kit Titan coming out?
Your ingame name: Saumik_Anik The offender's ingame name: selemc808 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Inappropriate...
Plus they should make a sign at spawn that tells the rules. So yeah. And how I would I know that's against the rules?
That's dumb and I didn't mean by disrespecting I meant it by getting angry at him.
Wow Marzian
Good Luck
Elite your dumb thats legit to make and why you reporting because even I saw you go up there with glide and spider combined you hacker. I can't...
Whoa are you BioNarix?
I msged you something
Oh just pm me no need for other people in our business lol.
Lol what race are you?
Lol hey Sciberboy nice report. He was being racist to Asians to.
How is that lag?
No I have a gaming computer so how will I get lag and look at the other people huh.
Your ingame name: rct3dude The offender's ingame name: xTHEKREEPERx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: People are saying its...