My mom keep yelling at me I'm sad D:
Banned for a stupid reason
He called me somthing bad
Plz I got scammed
Help Me
Help help
I showed my even dense I'm Braxton bbt help
Ok no people will help me I gat scammed bye xxdragon565xxx and lost everything I had ok
I got scammed bye xxxdragon I'm braxtonbbt Proof
He scammed me and I didn't take a screen shot at the right time and that's the most evidence
This is my proof
Braxtonbbt Xxxdragon565xxx Disrespect and scamming I got a screenshot but I don't know how to post it my freinds know it's my house
I don't even know how to uplode pictures
He scammed me bc I was gonna switch house and buy his house then he stole mine when I unclaimed it and said thx for all the free stuff and the house
Braxtonbbt Xxxdragon565xxx He broke disrespect bye stealing everything I had I have a screen shot but I don't know how to post it and my freinds...
Idk how to post my screen shot
I got scammed bye XX Dragon 565 XXX I'm braxtonbbt he stole every thing i have my evidence is that all my friends know what happens I'm not on at...