Support. I know every little pixel on op pvp.
It's mah burfday!
Tomorrow is mah burfday. Don't forget. pls.
IGN: tweeeds Their IGN: ClaireDL Reason: Advertising Proof:
No Support, They are normal players, just let them do their jobs lel this doesnt hurt anyone.
It's independence day you uncultured dweebs
Happy Independence day!
IGN: tweeeeds (4 e's) Reason: I am not able to go to minecon because my mom isnt that kind of mother and I just want a cape for my alt.
I'll keep a close eye ;)
Neutral, I have never seen you in game, but you are very kind on forums :) best of luck.
One of you is wearing one too many buckets of make up
btw guys i've been here 3 years
Support, That would be lit.
I'm tweeeds. Hi.
I'm sure no one takes anything seriously here :P No worries :>
Happy burfday
Wow guys what an original idea! wonder who could have thought of this! *cough* *hint*...
July 5th :>