Only support for OP prison.
Support. It would be nice to explore and master some new maps.
Support. It would be fun not knowing where each zombie will come from.
Support. I hope this helps Mineverse become a little more friendly and fair.
I suggest that there should be a list of banned items that you could refer to in game. There could be a command like /bi and then you would see...
I support this
No support. I agree with winter waffles.
I support this. Pretty much the entire map is greifed. It would also be nice to have a fresh start. I think factions and OP factions would get...
I support this.
I support this. As long as the list doesn't take up your entire chat. A short list of rules would be nice that you could access at any time.
I agree with this.
I support this. Mineverse is supposed to be friendly
I get no lag on OP pvp. The problem is probably on your end.
I support this idea. it would be interesting if some new team skywars maps were made.
sorta happy about this, very happy that i will still be able to play the old infection:)