Support, and I agree with Alex.
Neutral, it would be nice to have some new kits. But on the other hand I like kit pvp the way it is now.
I agree, support!;)
Neutral, its easier to tell if its supreme or mod with the new tags. But there isn't a huge difference.
Support. If this is added on parkour I will play it WAY more. Very frustrating having to click respawn after you die (I die a lot on parkour).
Support. I don't see why bounties are on kit pvp but not OP pvp!
It could be signs at spawn or a command.
It would be handy to have that for all gamemodes.
I forgot to say that please say in your comments that you support this, don't support this or are neutral. Thanks!
I agree with wolfie
neutral, I think gamemode 3 is a better idea.
No support, if you are getting raided buy the sponge!
Neutral, this game is similar to the one on mineplex
I support this
Support I agree with Jhow
No support. Donors are equal to everyone in bedwars and I don't want that changed.
I support, all the ones you named DEFINITELY need new maps.
I like this idea, support.
This will help, support.
I support, this will really help.