Hey guys whats your top score in agario? Answer the poll obove or put it down below !
Your ingame name:robosmith10 The offender's exact ingame name: F0rtressFighter A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were...
Who is the real boss of mineverse? Answer the poll.
3yerrt mentioned this at my old suggestion (#BBN + #DJ) WE NEED TO CUT DOWN JUNGLE. First of all at 11 O clock AM every day people have 1 minute...
Hello im robosmith10! This is a major issue. The builders may have added some stuff to nuketown to make it less OP but now I have proof it can be...
Hey im robosmith10! Today infection had a new map update and its awesome!!! The only thing that would make it better is BBN (Bring Back Nether!)...
Hey this is robosmith10! Hi guys I am suggesting a huge update to infection. So let's get down to it. I am suggesting real zombie affects like...
Hello and I am posting a suggestion on skygrid gods should get /fly they get this permission on skyblock so why not in skygrid it s basicly the...
Help can someone tell me in the comments how to do a forum vote like should this be added? and there is yes or no how can I set that up?
Hello! Today I am posting about a suggestions on mini games. As you noticed most of them are not popular such as Pig Thief, Archer Games (Isn't...
Hello guys I am suggesting that zombie tags in infection can be shown as if you team you can kill your team. Also if there is a flying zombie...
In the new update there is now /capes witch you can purchase at the shop. What if high donator ranks like Elite + could get them for free? Like...
Infection Prestiges are really underpowered except prestige 5. Also they are messed up as you can abuse bow from prestige 7 plus. There are a lot...
Hi I am suggesting humans spawn with their kits like MVPs spawn with MVP kit Gods spawn with kit god etc. Theres a lot of problems such as op...
This may sound nooby but how do I color code in forums I try &b test and it dousnt work. Can someone reply and tell me how to because im new to...
Hello today I am suggesting there is a Mob Arena in Skyblock. There used to be one in Hellblock when it first came out and it was really popular...
Other servers have super smash mobs and its super fun so im suggesting this server has it too. The basic idea is you buy mobs and battle. You...