Lets take a moment and think about how many lives were lost in those two videos...
100 dollars. Least I get something from it. Would you eat Chipotle or McDonalds? (Both have a terrible reputation of their food)
Skydive Would you bring your date to your parent's house or to a police station?
iDubbbz Would you use Starbucks vulnerable wifi or 2G data?
Ty xoxo Color has been added
you forgot that I posted a 757 so not all are 777's :P Im more satisfied of those engines, if you look closely than the aircraft itself for some...
Dont forget edating is weird and quite sad actually. If you wanna hook up, just meet irl like sure its gonna cost money but hey least you'll know...
Did I say American Airlines? That airline needs to burn to the ground. So does United, except it needs to die like memes do. Your in-game name:...
Support. I have Diabetus and can't read so support ¯\_(ツ)_/¯