Ahh, good luck :p You got this!
Are you still eating bananas at Area 51?
Can I get a visa to Australia? I'll promote you over there. I dont like the US, terrible.
Who joins a minecraft forums to date a girl that is 7 years older or younger than you are :hilarious:
You're not alone lol. I have my finals this week :< I got one more tho so it shouldn't be that bad
Sweet I can go watch Justin Beiber's Baby video without being hated upon
GOod. Wbu
Actually its Virgin Atlantic xD Buuuuut Virgin Australia is better than Quantas :P
And more s*** scenes that aren't relevant How does one get negative likes and where can I get them from
Only good parts were Jaiden animations, Ninja's scenes, and the scene of getting help with suicide
If only I could vote "I better or ima run away" and "No chance in heck"
Support. You saved my Galaxy Note 7 from exploding in front of my first date at McDonalds
Hey Logan, It's been a long time hahaha. I saw you on skyblock forums like early 2018 or so
It is slowly dying, but it's cause of Fortnite sooo. We need to kill Fortnite cause it's literally a meme
A similar reason can be said on if you wanted to play Creative on Skyblock, but you would have to go on Mineverse It would sort of take away the...
Oh damn, when will you be open?
I think everyone knows mineverse is slowly dying.. Noobcrew has done some things but then again we have holes in the server like no new Minecraft...
Could’ve sworn nub plays skyblock that too I’ve seen him there
Happy birthday
Can I get a follow c: