Bruh :hilarious: scroll to the bottom of...
NoobCrew has stated in his announcements that he has seen enough requests to bring it back and is working on it lmaoo.
She's still in high school and im in college what do you think xD. I follow her on insta so
The plug-in for GTA seems to be outdated (correct me if I am wrong) and although it is a nice gamemode, there's no one on. Luckily for infection,...
oh. Ill have the English Breakfast, not a huge fan of tea
It was from 2016 :)
what's a green
LMao I have the S7, so not broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PS4, I'm thinking about trading my xbox one for the ps4 or just simply buy a ps4. Really dissapointed that Microsoft wants to grab people's money...
otherwise I'm gonna have to start drinking red bull
you might as well give me some :D
letsss gooooooo and suprise Justin Trudeau with a PS4 with Fortnite installed
I literally don't understand why someone gave me negative rating loool (not trying to be salty). But seriously though, what's wrong with the...
iphones suck c:
yeeeet crashing into cars is kinda accurate tho except there's no blood
ayeee im ur captain, les go 2 Canada
ohhhhh lmfao I see what ur saying lol. Idk yeeet cause I haven't talked to her in almost a year
If a goat can jump higher than an average house, why can they not jump higher in Goat Simulator?
How long are you going to keep sipping tea lmfaooo