I'll edit it later ;3 thanks for the Input.
Thanks for your input, however I didn't just join the forums I had a account long time ago just forgot the password. Thanks for the input, I...
How old are you? 12 going to be 13 on June 22nd, seems pretty young but I'm very mature for my age. Your in-game name: Turks_Murk What time...
Thanks for following me bro.
D: stop just making excuses cause it's not happening.
._. Gg for spotting that haha.
"I didn't trap you" You clearly trapped me go watch the Vid again.
._. You where the one that Trapped me when I tped to you, stop with the lies.
._. you was the one that said come tp to see my base.
Hey TigerZ_ ;3
You're now saying that was your f home "I 1 shotted you in a unclaimed field"
You still tp trapped me.
[MEDIA] "You wanted to tp to me randomly"
Soz No support, You have got banned on many gamemode's [Temp Banned On Factions for tp trapping].
Thanks for following me ;D
Hello Pile.
hi ;3
In Game Name : Turks_Murk Offenders In Game Name : Propellen Proof That he scammed me : [MEDIA]