Hey, I just wanted to know If I could apply for helper, cause I dont see any helpers on Mineverse. Thank you.
Ty so much, means a lot.
Hey Janice. :P
<3 Btw, I'll try be on the forums 24/7 Okay. :P
Thank you for your input.
My In Game Name : Turks_Murk Hackers In Game Name : JetixPvP Proof that the person was hacking : [MEDIA]
Okay, Thank you for your input.
My In Game Name = Turks_Murk Player that was hacking In Game Name = aac_2015 Proof that the person was hacking = [MEDIA]
My in game name - Turks_Murk Player that was hacking In Game Name : SkyMatch Hack : kill aura Proof : [MEDIA]
Hey, Cyp <3
Thank you for your input :D
Thank you for your input :P
Thank you for your input, I'll put more info dont worry :p
Hi Cyp :D
May I ask why?