Sorry, it was suppose to say _BlackGod, not _BlackGods.
In Game Name : Turks_Murk Offensive players in game name : _BlackGod Proof -
My In Game Name : Turks_Murk Hackers In Game Name : ARK_BaconTv proof that he was hacking : [MEDIA]
Sorry, no support needs more info, I might change my mind if you add more detail.
Hello everyone, it would be really helpful if we could buy obsidian from the factions shop again, its annoying to mine obsidian it takes for ever :p
No support
My In Game Name : Turks_Murk Hackers In Game Name : DarkTenison_ Proof that he was hacking : [MEDIA]
I just wanted to know if Mineverse will update to the latest version.
My In game name : Turks_Murk spammers in game name : X_ItsHero_X proof that he was spamming :
;o you never told me <3
Nu bro, please..
Bro, no mod goes on factions no more, I use to only see you on factions moderating it, and other gm's . almost 6 or 7 mods were in 1 game mode...
0_o yo dude... rice Is the best ;p
It's true...
Please dont let normal factions reset.
My in game name ; Turks_Murk Hackers In game name WarpDeadpool Proof that he was hacking ; [MEDIA]
Hey Max, hows it going.
Thank you.