/fly is a bit too op for survial so no support
they should not allow server advertisement in lobby everyone hates it well this is just a suggestion so ya......
well theres prof that im god ?
the link wont work on my computer :(
my rank on survial is not there my rank is god my name was azzalego now its azzathewolf
happy birthday noobcrew keep up the good work :) and have a great day
plzz if any mod or staff read this plzz get rid of /heak <player> its unfair to us gods and under!!!!! i used my potions today and the tatains...
i think that when you heal a player the potion should still work
i think yes i will suport you noobcrew_ sometimes you can be rude but deep down your very nice :) good luke
i got to go
thank you
lobby 2
Ign: azzalego Game mode banned on: lobby2 Link to accepted appeal:...
her name was talor i think is that a unbanned think????
ok just a sec
thats it i have put two down there just not seeing it
iv been waiting like a mouth to be unbaned i really wanna play mineverse i like this server
i have i think
is there any staff still unbanding??? just wanna know