no support cos my afk thread was cuter >:(
Please kick afk people on infection. Apparently Crew wants to up his player count so that’s why there isn’t a timer. If you still want to up the...
You probably won’t see me online then... I’m only online at night during my time. I have training classes during the day. Nighttime is the only...
time zones?? im always online from around 9 pm to 12 am :p. :( Thank you cookie!
thank you ender :)! thank you ! thanks scorpio venom thank you dev :)
support never online
Aw thank you! Time zones possibly? I’m eastern time, and I’m always online from around 9 pm to 1 am. (I am also online right now).. Catch me on...
Support v good
Hello! A few years ago my friend Emily made a map that is really cool, and it got archived and was never added. The video for her map is no longer...
30% of the reason :( caught me. 70% of the reason is to help out :). plus I already have that trophy you just don’t know it’s there
@GbDuck best mod forever