Are those explosions in the pics
Doesn't matter if your ingame a lot mod requires you on the website and ingame.
You got to understand the difference between being funny and acting like a child.
You just joined the forums today and you need to get used to the community.
Changing peoples quotes are annoying.
Sometimes they can be annoying so people rate dumb.
Yeah dats what I mean.
Perfect and I am thinking you should add in there a command like /fight playername
Yeah to keep it fair and I have a question on why we would need currency.
As you can see in the video both of you have the same kit and that is what soup pvp is so I wouldn't put kits.
What is the currency for.
I know what soup pvp is but shouldn't everyone have the same kit so it is fair and maybe add a currency system like skyward for kits.
Titan rank to op because that can one shot a player and not giving the default player enough time to eat the soup.
So you mean there are no ranks on August 1st.
Merry Christmas to you all.
What about ingame money.
No toe-ma-toe