I would and I bet 80% of mineverse would.
Why am I sweating.
Use edit it'll look cleaner.
Put it in convo.
That's a song irl.
Okay I know sorry
He did Lel but people Make mistakes.
Nubs steal ma stuff and my enchantment bottle exp so I support this fully.
Blame Obama
Oh. K lol I was confused
Spell check?
Oh because I didn't get what wander heat was.
People would see cyp's threads when on the ban appeal section when they are posting one.
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ban-appeal-forum-rules-read-before-posting-a-ban-appeal.610/ here is the rules of one. And form...
What's your ingame name
We don't need this because it is already the first thing when you go to the appeal section.