Some times it's not an white van.
Anyone from NJ.
They should just add it in the spawn so people don't just spawn a bunch of portals.
I thought it would be an easier way not to get DDosed. And maybe I do not understand what it means. All I know is people are getting DDosed and I...
Okay lol. and lol.
which noobcrews syblock or mineverse they are different types.
Not technically its on skyblock but it has a mineverse tab
Well they would disable lava since it is like a block in the skyblock in the nether. I would understand there is lag and world guard will produce...
Well I have been seeing people getting ddosed by giving people there skype. ddos is a way to shut down your network and sending it a bunch of...
I stalk everyone but I never wanted to mention :).
it sounds like wagger in a way but i know it is pronounced w-a-j-e-r. But good idea
Sorry im not active on the forums nor prison its that its summer and im busy in life im trying to get on atleast once or twice.
Watch direwolf20 for tutorials on how to do these challenging mods after a while you'll get used to it.
List them.
What type of computer do you have that's the first question. Next one is what kind of mods fun or challenging an easier way of getting mods is... isn't very popular and played often bringing it to mineverse would be like a promotion and introducing new players to it.
A server noobcrew owns it's hard to explain how it works but here's a definition it is the nether version of skyblock.