lol I also said in the video, it is a 1v1
I'm not lying. I would rather not discuss it further here.
I would not lie. I do not do it I wanted to watch If william killed you, he had things he was at the spawn, he had not received one.
why in the room: Well if william killed you where he got it all had to kill you at the spawn had some noob taken everything. Is it hard to believe...
Lol mcnerd234 I was not attacking you. William wanted to 1v1 and I would watch. You have no proof that both we would attack you
1. Philip320 2. Kalsi2 3. Kill aura 4. [media]
Pile, kirbyo32 Said Thanks for the report. BUT THE PLAYER ARE NOT BANNED /seen Ninjaspretten1
1. Philip320 2. Ninjaspretten1 3. advertising 4. [ATTACH]
1. Philip320 2. TheDarkCraft54 3. Kill aura & anti-kb 4. [media]
1. Philip320 2. Dontchallengeme 3. Kill aura 4.[media]
Ok :D
Support Mineterria was good IDK WHY HE WAS DEMOTED D:
Support @ScoFu13 is really best >:D
1. Philip320 2. Kaziorek 3. look the vid 4. [media] If I have bad evidence can I improve the report!
Ra Proof
Archive this problem is over + Ban emilen06 he was banned All banned players are unbanned
1. Philip320 2. Albin0403 3. advertising 4. [ATTACH]
1. Philip320 2. poop100 3. Kill aura 4. [media]
1. Philip320 2. xxxbajankillerxxx 3 Anti-kb + Kill-aura 4. [media]
1. Philip320 2. unturn 3. aim bot and kill aura 4. [media]