Stop Bumping it!
Your are I Have to be honest
You Need More Info (I Mean this is A Guard Application Not Mod app But Who cares!) to get my Support Plus Your really Not nice in-game (WHY WHY...
Support 60%
Sorry But I cant believe But BUMP :(
Hey I use mac How do You Screenshot inside a Computer?
I support!
-.- 1
Not really All they want Is "Medieval" Buildings If a Player/User is not Good at Building It Does not Matter its Minecraft They van build what...
Imperial said no Admins No mods nothing Like that And only owner and Member So dont Lie.
Sorry I Dident see That I wrote Fortune IV and Thank you for your Opinion
No one wrote something yet Bump'in It Sorry.
I am not Even in This Town -Kub
In-Game Name: Kubasliz I want to be a raider: Because I Love Raiding The other day I raided On Survival With you guys It was So Fun! Age: 16 How...
OMG this looks fun :)