Hey Everyone!!! Please like and show support for this thread for the good of the server DONT SWITCH TO FULL 1.9!!!!!!!!!!! ~Ampearson
I love star wars and the hobbit aswell
No support reasons stated ^^^
Neutral a bit young but I recommend throwing in some Arabic sentences in there just to have some backup.
Hey Everyone!!! I need some help, I would like to become a staff member but in order for me to do that and or have a better chance at it I would...
No support, Need more detail.
No Support, Reasons stated above ^
Neutral, What I have been seeing above ^^^ :bitenails:
Hey Everyone!!! I've notice that almost nobody if not anybody has perms on mini games. I know alot of people are just like so its just a mini...
Support, I'm a HUGE bed wars player and I see all of that aswell.
Hey everyone!!! This thread is mainly toward all of the great Bed wars players but I would like to say im sorry for my conduct and Hacking and it...