Players have their own plots which give out key information and starter guides.If one of the more detailed and expansive of these was copied into...
I think its easier to report them as they would be in one place and mods dont need constant pms bugging them.No support
looks alot like op prison to me.And it would need more ranks or it would be over to quickly
If crew is working on it, then just wait for him to do it.
lol do you not understand sarcasm
remove the slimes an magma cubes from the pet list. spawn camping is impossible to police as players will always find a loophole
Welcome enjoy your stay
welcome back
Goodbye smasher.
nice app. Detailed and nicely sset out. support Good luck
it looks good for browsing and other stuff.
59 rofls as a sponsor. Not too bad I guess
I was N the last time I played
I know that merkz and crews secret hideout is at the end of the ocean
is this still a thing?