It's allowed, read the rules. Thanks.
If you see anyone using their prestige perk more than once (either by suicide or dying by a human), report them. As for the ranks, it wont happen....
I'd prefer OP over creative.
The idea of OP Prison was already being made. This was made public a while ago. If this is an attempt to make it seem like you're the one to thank...
Ur all so nice ty ima get Terrick now
/terrick Terrick
Give this man a cookie
I can personally tell you, the bug is known, and is not fixable atm, otherwise it would of been done ages ago. When cyp knows how to fix it, ill...
Black people.
Using /me colors it, /bukkit:me leaves it default. He was using /me, however, the insulting could still pass.
[IMG] Need I say more...
nope and i thought u quit wot m9
Me posting here means 99% he's seen it. Downgrading will make the server lose more players, that's why the spigot is updated shortly after its...