I don't recall claiming it was enforced because I found it annoying, I said the rule was enforced, and that I found people breaking it to be...
Cried to Cyp? Do you honestly think thats what goes on? Lmfao. I am whatever prestige I want to be, I have the server, I have enough knowledge to...
I don't make decisions for him, and you not being in the loop of how the system works or knowing who runs in the system isn't my problem. You can...
And if he said he wanted you banned, that'd work too right? Rank transfers happen on VERY special occasions, and they have to be extremely...
Have fun getting it to happen. It won't though, so by all means, wait if you desire. He's ruined that chance already, which there wasn't even one...
Replying to sarcasm with sarcasm only shows you didn't take sarcasm right in the first place. It is a simple rule, and a poll won't change that....
So far, I've only seen those who get extreme help from the affected and the affected saying get rid of it, yet no proper reason as to why it...
And...? I didn't say based off just the website, now did I?
Your 1st point has nothing to do with the rule at all. 2. Report the hacker, just like you would for an exploiter, you don't go to their level and...
You weren't reset, lmao, it's too much work to go through, sadly. Sorry to hear about that though.
That has nothing to do with anything. She can put a custom message if she oh so desires, don't try to get on her for replying as she pleases lmao....
If you're referring to her not telling people to use the form, that's up to her lol. So what's the problem now?
Well, I'm not dropping my input on it, as I wasn't there, just saying, those are considered abuse. The consequences are already dealt with,...
"Okay" isn't the best response to be giving. If you didn't want to blow up, you shouldn't of been lighting it there. As for fly and god, they're...
Well nvm, the whitelist was normal. The spawn will be fixed, sorry for that.
I don't see what you're on about? Nvm, found some missing water and a few pieces of sand, what else was wrong?
Wont happen, as that can easily become a problem with giving out or dying with the pots. There are alternative methods, ill check in on them.
I wasn't actually saying give him your account. If you failed to understand that, then you really should touch up on it. And you quitting because...
Well you obviously, as you're the only one in this situation receiving the rank, and ranks aren't toys you can just throw away and give out when...
Obviously not possible, so gg.