Can you not.
gg legit l0l
That's referring to all items/data the vanilla version will hold under a name as opposed to a UUID. Luckily enough, however, PeX and Bukkit now go...
Yay [IMG]
omg thanks so much!! <3<3
Donors will be given starting points and a donor bow. Not a kit. They have it every game, so a kit is unnecessary.
I don't eat in the mornings :oops:
Basically Bungee has an ip command that bypasses the ddos protection already, so what
Nothing. Nothing at all.
oh no he downgraded me halp o no omg ;((( But seriously, it's something that can be fixed, and thanks to him trying, it can be prevented in the...
Advanced Welfare
If you manage to code that, by all means, let me know.
You fail to realize, how would anyone be able to make a thread and magically make it so only the involved people can post. Logic. Also, no,...
Cyborb's Yes. Just 10/10 11/10 gg
That has nothing to do with anything, especially considering I don't have a rank. I already fixed that, his mic had a horrible echo, so Cyp gave...
Swap your intro and outro. Thanks though.