@CypriotMerks would be a good candidate for this
I quote futuristic, this is too easy. I make it look easy.
Already a mod bro.
While Obama may run the US, it doesn't void out other peoples words about his plans. The two servers nonsense was actually meant to be one, but...
Let me put it this way, "No more are being promoted" in the sense of "Straight from a user" Promotions later on down the line to global are...
Again, wrong person to be trying to correct here. Now let's imagine we still promote even more, mods who aren't global would end up having global...
You're completely misunderstanding what I'm saying. You and other mods should know better by now to know I know they exist, no more are being...
Leave the thread alone, and for anyone considering a new one, it'll be deleted. Don't need mods posting on a thread saying "Add my name there im...
Problem with that is, no. Mods are by server, not global. It's worthless to consider such a thing, unless globals come back, and they won't. Not...
You deserve a reply for simply mentioning my name in the manner you did. I understand people have their opinions, however, again, behind the...
no no no Once ares is added, people will complain they want more mines again and again, it's a non stop request for more. There's hardly even...
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Me gusta juego Minecraft con mi amigo CypriotMerkz.
Forwarded this to Cypriot, he'll fix it soon. Thanks for posting.
For one, Uncle, language. Secondly, the improvements you mentioned are not all out of spite, understood, however, some are just unreasonable. A...