Decided I want to use the 980 classified so cyp bought me another graphics card the 980 TI Classified far more classified like double the classified
fair enough sending it now
too expensive
"Cooler" in the sense of "more cool" sure? "Cooler" in the sense of a fan, no?
stock cooler only staying on my cpu for like a week then bye hello h100i gtx water cooling
more like 3 titan ranks this card is a titan it's better than a god, a titan if you may
He bought me dis GTX 980 Classified yo [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] @CypriotMerks Thanks bb
980 classified mad
Just a bug then, Tanner would have to fix it.
I was referring to the prestige perk, not the killstreak. It doesn't matter what he meant, what I said is what I said. The poison will remain as...
"Nerfed" as in you have a reduced amount, limited to one per map. Meaning you can't just throw an egg, kill yourself, throw one, kill yourself,...
I don't quite get what you're prodding at? The ranks are backed up, this whole "reset" is simply a test to find out if people are satisfied with a...
You misunderstood his question. No, the ranks gained during the test are strictly just a test rank. The ranks that are being stored will not be...
GUESS WHO'S BACK! Lol... yeh it's me
I find it hilarious when people try to claim I ban everyone I feel like banning, quite weird that there's only three people under my bans, and...
Close the damn thread before more people end up banned because they think expressing their opinion isn't disrespect. Enough is enough.
No point arguing anymore, I'm not in support of either of you in any case. Mods can close the thread granted the discussion is over with, Elric...
"He" is used very lightly there, granted it wasn't about him in specific, nor did he agree to any ban, as he could simply do it himself lmao. ^...
lol lol x2 No point arguing, cyp agreed to the ban, pointless to continue otherwise you're just saying the admin is wrong, which is stupid....