Here's a tip I would not host a server it is a waste of money if u host and if you run from your computer it is very bad it runs on your internet...
@CypriotMerks @quickflame and any other mods can be taged by other players this thread is in the wrong place and is invailed @ScoFu13
I can tag Cyp Already and I am not a moderator but lets not get off topic go to Help Donator issues contac email support and email them best...
Well I guess I could send u prefix but download group manager for god sake!
Kk Sub my channel guy's
Hello, I am new at Minecraft this is for my Youtube Come check out my YT I would love it if you would so yeah...
Sub to meh ?!?!?!
I might sub Check my channel out <3
Alex Nice to meat u to and igothackedshonal Acturly she was on kitpvp today
xD Brazil Thxs <3
This section is only for reporting things that happen on the forums. If you'd like to report a player for breaking in-game rules, please post your...
? What do you mean by Alternate?!?!
Hello, and Welcome I am new member to Minecraft as I got it 1/25/2015 whitch is today and some of my friend's told me about Mineverse so yeah...