I had 800 but now I have 500
I guess I didn't make that clear
Ok well I want some one to upgrade me on mineverse
I know what Csgo is but I understand what he or she wants????
What group plugin do you use? PermissionEx or groupmanager
So if the kit PvP server was going to make 10 new ranks starting from 5 to 10, 20, 30 ect ect to 100 what would you want the kits to have in them...
I see you lied about your age too
I've been looking for an upgrade to any rank... name your price on any server and ill see what i can do.
Nerd lol
I would like to be upgraded to premium What would I have to give you... You buy first
Captain jack scams me for 100 bucks in game Imagur photo aswell http://imgur.com/gallery/BDFDPeK/new
This shows ProfessorPvp (me) is not premium
i got scammed 400 by system admin and i could only upload 1 file so this is the other file... http://imgur.com/gallery/LmSxS3i/new
I got scammed by this kid and I did pay him 800 it just wont let me upload the picture
So I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer this question if not it is all cool I understand private server stuff.... but does anyone...
I got scammed 500 bucks by this guy NAME IS PIC. Conversation between Drat31 and _vilhen4
No my server will be a kit PvP server only but will have a Nether and End PvP and maybe some warps... don't copy mineverse ;) and just in case any...