Support here charlie. Hope you get it! (He is a very good web designer and graphics designer and builder and many more :P)
Nice one charlie. You have another supporter ;)
I knew Dispensers were disabled but not droppers
Hi, Are Droppers disabled on OP Factions? I knew Dispensers were and Droppers are sold in the shop still! Nick
OPFactions xD
I thought you would say that, it's not that much money so it doesn't really matter
So have him reverted back to no rank (I bought him sponsor) and get my money back it's as if nothing happend
I bought IGN:"gamingparadox" a rank and he quit mineverse literally a day after I bought it, I was wondering if I could have my money back!...
Please unban charlierobe1, he doesnt hack. He used the PDE glitch which was possibly why he was banned! Please unban him.
He was banned for hacking although he never hacked
I`m also for JTTGaming, I play on the same faction as him and I know that he doesnt hack