Do I look sexy
Your Ingame Name: MINKYCHINKY Rank: Elite Rate yourself from 1-10: 6.66 Do you know me?: yes Have you teamed with me?: yes several times Extra...
U said just respect me no one is gonna do that
Dude in life no one will respect u. U need to earn their respect
Every1 says i do that but it is untrue u can even search my computer for what ever u use for ddosing people. I hate people saying that I ddos
What why not
Lol it's not rude
Wait am I in the clan or not
Umm I was skyping my friend skyerainbow and she is a Titan and she healed me
Just ask them then
We'll add me then
We should have a team Skype chat
You can still see the hax
Your ingame name: MinkyChinky The offender's ingame name: xXTOPPLAYAXx and FlyingBeard5 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
I guess my pvp skill is 7.666666666
Good luck bud
1. Age: 16 2. PVPSkill 1-10: 0.9999999999 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking?: nope 4. In-Game Rank?: premium 5. You must have a skype (Tell...