Mcnerd I don't think I would want u in my team cuz u are a solo guy and don't need a team
Plz make a more serious application please
Uncle Ernesto since u aren't agreeing to join skype calls with us I'm gonna have to kick u from team pike sowwy:(
Ok good we need to communicate quickly
Play more often and get good
I've never seen u in the game so just make yourself well known then u can join
Sure I guess u don't wanna join this sexy train to kill ville:asshat:
Accepted I've seen u in the game not bad
Awesome application accepted
Great application but sorry can't join cuz u don't have skype
Accepted :woot:
Like 1. Shuzwnil 2. Supreme And so on
Plz use the proper format
Team pike My name is MinkyChinky and I'm have the rank supreme and I wanted to make a kitpvp team because the teams that I've been on haven't been...
Ok how do u know who's on our team if we don't have a team Skype chat
DJ u haven't created the team chat yet
We need to have a team skype chat