It does though, nice try on assuming things though EDIT: This section does not but the subsections. In off topic do.
Please make the edge of the world visible, I can't really tell where the world borders are.
I think you are post farming to be honest, you could have used a notepad that is installed on your computer. Or you could have used Word if you...
Bruh advertising is only a 10 day ban XD
No support reasons stated
No support Under 250 Messages and has had an account since March of 2014= Not active on forums. Summer Break is pretty much done, a few weeks left...
Support "I am the God Donator rank." Is not needed.
No Support
Please read what I wrote
No support Reasons stated
No support Reasons stated It looks like it is getting late, maybe you should Lock and close the place.
Add more detail. Many grammar errors. Read before Posting. Say where you have been mod previous, like be more specific. Almost everyone says they...
No support Reasons stated "A window of opportunity won't open itself", I think you should keep it closed until later, looks like you opened the...
Neutral reasons stated
Neutral I don't see you ingame, please play various gamemodes!!!! Might switch my rating later on.
RIP ###