What? xD You and your build claims.
Im trying to download that hack where you don't have to leave your house, but you still get tons of pokemon.
xD that is some mega photoshop
What Client? If you are playing on PvP gamemode I recommend Impact it is easy to use, but if your playing on Factions then it is really your choice.
The anti cheat is worse than a potato
No Support Reasons Stated
Do you meet the requirements for staff? [IMG][IMG] No support
Bump bump bump
The problem is that the world border is uneven, it is like the bottom bedrock where some parts are closer while others are 1 block farther. I...
I agree, with adding something like Elevators, but not really the Donor add ons. Neutral for now
So you want some complicated easily false reports thing added xD, when you can just report a player through forums. It is your fault you don't get...
I don't see a problem, but okay....
Lol No support Reasons stated
No Support ./helpop will just be spammed with people who are just mad about being killed 80% of the time. And it also would be a bypass for being...
Why No Support? So.... What is building past the world border going to benefit you in? The only thing you would do with the build perms past the...
It's not suppose to look like something that should be in a Utopia.... Thanks for the feedback though. Also it is probably easier to navigate than...
Fixed it to Support :). I misclicked probably.
"I would but people were saying i was advertizing. But Ill try to incorporate your comment. thanks." Actually noone does, you just say where and...