no. :/
oh my gosh, you are so pretty <3
drugs are not okey
I'm known as a poptart. Put me down as a poptart lol :')
me too
lol again, it was ajoke. hehe but my irl name isnt Annika or Raegan. It is yet to be discovered...
nvm its an "inside" joke
haha lol but it was just a joke. :')
but i can't help falling in love with youuuu
i be like woot woot i get controllllll :)))))) and den i be supa coolio like all da mods :))))))
But i dont like your judgement. lol nvm
lol nice name.
i have to wait t change it tho...
ihy lol
@FaZe Dox stahp ignoring this. just tell us! :/
k ty both
What place am I? Like what number member am I? The ____ member to join. And hai :)