Before I start, I'd like to say that I don't really care if I'm punished for what I say here. Personally, I think many of the mods who will nag...
[ATTACH] My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: kenyonag Reason: spam
Sorry. Meant to add extra screenshots. I'll update this post shortly. He also called someone "g*y" and said "s.e.x.i.n.g"
My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: Destroyer1121 Reason: Avoiding chat filter and using inappropriate words
My IGN: thethingwastaken Reporting: charlieondago Reason: Scam [MEDIA]
my IGN: CodeRoyal Offenders IGNs: iShadowZ and ItsStealth_ Offense: Both people have fastplace... (I think).... not sure. Check it out. ----->...
My IGN: MintGreen Offender's IGN: ZOOM_DUR Reason: Death wish [ATTACH]
@NoMoreSanity This is the post from NoHacks.
I'm MintGreen and I am reporting on behalf of NoHacksJustApex since his account isn't working. Reporting BlitzTiger for apparently scamming...
I am MintGreen. The name above made death wishes to "drink bleach" etc. So reason: Death Wishes Reporting: Fluffy_Orbz[ATTACH]
Skip to about 1:35 to see it
My IGN: MintGreen indyjones2012 was seen with kill aura. [MEDIA]
Sorry for the minor lag.
My IGN: MintGreen MsTlag was caught with kill aura. In the video, I couldn't even hit the person once before his aura killed me. [MEDIA]
My IGN: MintGreen This kid F00TFETISH has been hacking with the aura. I've gotten him to finally show out his hacks. He never stopped and called...
By the way, as seen in (I believe) 2 of my reports, he has been saying "I quit" so I assume he thinks he has the right to curse since he is...
I am thethingwastaken. xItsDerp is cursing again. Geez, this is getting annoying. Also, he said "good luck getting me baned b***h", so we'll see...
I am thethingwastaken. xItsDerp has cursed again. As seen in the image, he has bypassed the filter again by using "fcking" as it is not...