That's you!
Since I'm Satan and all, I think it's my duty to explain what Satanism is. First of all, yes, it is an actual religion. Actually, it is more like...
Honestly, I'm disappointed in it. I expected more from it, no offense.
I can relate to almost all of that except for the friday all-nighter because I study on Saturdays. Feel the pain.
Hello, child.
Again, thanks for the support, I appreciate it.
Thanks for the support.
Why not enable a War mode? It will make the gameplay way more entertaining as without Towny will have barely any goals and will be very similiar...
Thank you so much for supporting my application.
Do you take me as a joke because I'm black? That's racist, sir.
Ironic. However, thanks for supporting my application!
Thanks for support!
It's "definitely", not "definately". Learn to spell before posting an application.
I sometimes appear as 10 years old virgin girl, don't mind my tastes. Thanks for the support, everyone!
My grammar nazi is disappointed in you, Herr Pizza.
@TannerLittle, I'll request to accept this application.
Special thanks to @Elliot and @Diamonds180 for supporting my application!
No, this is my real application, why do you hate me so much? Is it because I'm Satanist? Dear Baphomet, you disgust me!