New pc , razer black widow , razer naga 2014 , but i hop santa will guv me friend pls :'( :'( :'(
@hider21getshackersbanned / @hider21
bye :'( ...
hello , my channel is tom plays i have more than 120 subscriber ( ) and i would like to know if you can make me a intro...
french ?
[media] this is my proof , im just tired all call me hacker xD if you are accusing some one of hacking then report him just dont spam in chat "...
1. tomlou4321 2. darkbeastwolf463 3. Threat ddosing me 4 . [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nice new rank :p !
wesh pd réponds au tel
Your ingame name: tomlou4321 The offender's ingame name: tehbeatles A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Tpa trap when we were...
Hi guys , my name is tomlou4321 and i want to say you some people ( tehbeatles ) are buying lower rank to some people ( @Its_time_for_bed ) so...
hope you like it @Lola Perez [ATTACH]
Your ingame name: tomlou4321 The offender's ingame name: watermelonone A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura hacking...
Hey remember me !!!!
Minehq are banning good player for nthing , i got banned too because i say eZ to a mod ._.
First person to find what this mean win an edited skin like this : [ATTACH] J'adore les patates , c'est trop bon tout le monde aime en plus...