Your so pretty ^-^
you are amazing xD
Hello I was banned on survival, but it was a temp ban and it happened 10 days ago and when I try to do /survival it says "Temp ban for 1 hour"...
yull see me I has his server c: huehuehue
xD ily <3
I agree we all hate the old spawn we need a new one but u are co-owner so I guess u decide this one just think about it at least
I was not any more ;l
I added more to it tho @TheHiddenOne143 needs to add it ;L
where am I im yo kid xD
this my story... I just got banned off my fav sever so I went to minevere and played survival games then I met my BEST FRIEND ally... then we met...
Y U NO LOVE MEEE I FOLLOW U U DONT FOLLOW ME AND U FOLLOW MICHAEL @michael I thought I was your mineverse girlfriend D;
Sins when babe xD jk but really how did I get put in the chat ?
He was also disrespecting @PopIs_MyLife @PandaBear__
Guys me and CypriotMerks are married so if yall would back up and leave him alone it would be grate :3
So difficult being "friends" with the one u love Nov 3, 2014 Am I that friend xD jkjk ly killeh ;3
I may of lost most things in life but I have won you :3
I love u more ;O;