Your IGN: Skydiver27 The offender's IGN: bpatt10 Rule Broken: Aimbot Evidence: [media] Keystamps: 0.01 - 0.03 0.10 - 0.13 @MaxNinja10
It's alright for me. Try it again.
Your Ingame name: Skydiver27 The offender's IGN: thomasjeda76 Rule broken: Hacking Proof/Evidence: [media] @Christi
Hello bud! SA is sooooo closee.....
Minecraft + food + drink + computers + skype + youtube + starbucks + dragon ball + wifi + mcdonalds + sketchbook + pencils + 21 + 360 = my life
Forums= Jan, 12 2014 (Skydiver27) Oct, 12 2014 (SuperKaioken) Ingame= Over 1 year I think, since the ice spawn.
Grats on wkm.
No support. I've seen you behave ingame. Remember in Op PvP, you were very disrespectful.
Give me a tbh please. :3
My favorite movies: Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods...
Your IGN: Skydiver27 The Offender's IGN: Marribollej Rule Broken: Swearing Evidence: [IMG]
IGN: Skydiver27 Who do you wish to verse: Anyone, but i'll verse @KittyCraft. Did you read the rules? Yeshh
Bye. Even though I don't know you, it's sad to see someone leave.
Alma Panda Greg Felix
Oh Ok. Thanks anyways.