Hello guys! You might know me from Punisher135709! Now I'm GohanGamez! I know what your thinking. "He has been banned to many times, he has ban...
Can someone close this?
Don't tag them. Ask a Mod or something. BTW I was joking it was not my brother. My friend on Skype told me to tell you to relog on. So yea.
Huh? No thats not why. On threads I have seen you put like real mean stuff on peoples posts. Thats all :/
No support. I don't think you are mature.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Hello guys! I'm making a 20-30 minute Mineverse animation. You guys could help me pick out music. Here is 1 I think we should use :). [media]...
GET MOD NOW. I support! You will beg great as a Mod! ;)
Support. You seem like a great part of staff!
No Support. You always are mean to me. You always get off topic with me. Just no.
Lol, rate me dumb.
No need to bring in that. Are you really trying to make not support me? LOL.
Ok. Why the capitol NO xD.
Thanks bro!
You said that like 5 times xDDD.
There is no need for that. That is in the past. Stop bringing it up @Conor Walton . Are we done?
Why caps :P.