Make breaking blocks in creative bannable ;)
Hey it's Red So as many of you know, it's Summer soon. As a select few of you know, I'm going on vacation to my grandparents house until August....
You have the best pfps always
Your ingame name: Redroyalle The offender's exact ingame name: googlemaster190 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Death...
happy guy so happy
Yesss support.
Hey and welcome :>
oh noes rip me
Hello and welcome :> Don't go on creative you won't make it out unscathed
Hey c: So you know how when players join for the first time they're "stuck" at spawn? "Stuck" meaning they don't know how to suicide. I think an...
Your ingame name: Redroyalle The offender's exact ingame name: xXSaphirePvPXx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
13 ooo spoopy
Same xD
No support. You don't meet all the requirements. Inactive From what I've seen you don't seem too mature. You should add some more detail to your...
Hello and welcome :)
Beautiful :,)
Welcome :p (@AussieDory is @Auzzi's cousin)
Changing to support if I haven't already. You're doing way better in terms of activity and I think you would be a great mod. Good luck!
Your ingame name: Redroyalle The offender's exact ingame name: houndINTHEgrid A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
Welcome to the forums :>