yassss edit: 4th ;)
RedJr :p
Support ;o
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: redroyalle Blakeman909 Advertising [ATTACH]
I'm not sure what I just read .-.
1. redroyalle 2. Januthun 3. Inappropriate skin (a swastika) 4. [ATTACH]
redroyalle x0SacredOne0x Advertising another server [ATTACH]
Support. It'd be a good way for the server to get money, but I think there should be a certain amount of time that has to go by after the ban...
2017's starting off right w this
I love cats but I'm intensely allergic (cri) aaand I have a dog so imma say doggos
10000000% support
Welcome :P
Support, I was just thinking about something like this lol
yEEESS wbb my dude