I thought that it might be beneficial to increase the cooldown time on the donor kits in infection. Currently the kits (/kit [donor rank], not the...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: Razerrocks2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Use of a hacked client...
So today on Infection a person came on with a rank that gave them the prefix: [CEO]. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this, I spoke...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: XXXTheFightXXX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising and...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: sonicxx392 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising....
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: JaJo03 (right before the 3 is a zero, not an o, in case it's difficult to see) A description...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: King_Osama_2003 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using hacks to...
Well, I know threads like this have been made before, but I thought one certainly couldn't hurt at this time. Anyway, I'd like to extend a big...
So, many of you may know me by now, and I thought it was about time I made one of these. Seeing as I've been here since November I'm not sure why...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: C00kie_M0ns3r (O's in the name are spelled with zeros, if it is unclear here) A description...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: RexFox2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using a hacked client to...
I'm not sure if a thread like this has been made before, but I was wondering if implementation of /suicide as a command on the Parkour server...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: ThejohnRaptor A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Use of a hacked...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: flamingtorch83 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The player was using...
Your ingame name: GuyP196 The offender's ingame name: GorillaDefense16 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He was using a...
I'd like to suggest that /heal should be removed from the perks that Gods have in Infection. I have noticed that many of the Gods that play...