Hello, I was gonna make an appeal for creative. I just realized PandaBear isn't mod anymore (She was the banning moderator) Does this mean I'm...
yay i had the best 600 seconds of my life on survival
AHHHHHHHH, New name: Swugge friend me. i will friend you
;-; I miss you very muchh.. new ign: Tacticss it's been many years i guess.. :c
Fishielips ;_; Come back to me babe <3
I am a lil' potato
Fishlips I miss you too Bless you your alive
Metoo ;-;
Well, Hello. I would like to cancel this. because it is very bad and outdated. Alot
you make me cri everytime ... ̃--̉̃
XD ty you get a like :)
TY also im elite so i dont think the member rank is required also im alot hard with grammer i have a injury :( sorry
How old are you? 14 Your in-game name:galileajared (for my new account also galileajared9 What timezone are you in? i am in UTC-08:00 Pacific-Time...
ign galileajared offenders ign Emma_Crafter She cursed at me saying move you f**king noob so i decided to report her because that wasnt nice of...
Wassup fish
Ingame Name:galileajared Offender ingame:NoodlezCraftFTW Glide i think Killauras ANd i think called nofall [ATTACH]
dude its beuz im found out you`re not hacking i looked up on it you can jump that much to
nice ogdream but i love your profile XD ;)
Rdestiny is reporting me for no reason ......... Screen shot here [ATTACH] there