Honestly why are you going around ranting about this and that acting as if you know what you speak of. Just respond in a calm way onto what's the...
30 minutes later ....
Oh i watch my anime on kissanime and my manga on mangatown but recently mangatown been spamming with ads with viruses.. really annoying
what website you watch re zero
No support
did i ask
Well done
<--- me
Actually changing to support, just read the comments right now.
No support, all you seem to play is Infection. Also you don't even communicate in chat.
setup on point, lemme have it
kiss your sister
i read it wrong, thought it said skywars some how. my bad LOL. ill go drown in bleach
ez just buy a diamond sword, some epearls, and a gapple
gud, that is the only option
I've read your moderator application, it's the best that I've seen in months. <3 purely genuine