ye daddi
greenbay packers ew jk i liked em in 6th grade, but now im in preschool so i go for the Broncos
*gasp* r u implying that i am implying that you are implying my comment was rude ? how rude of you to say that and label me as a rude person
Honestly whenever I see horrible mod apps like these, I joke around and support them. For this specific one, I resent it since it's you that is...
jk das cool
did i ask ?
i wuz adopted from africa . i saw plenty of dead human flesh there . dem africans get pretty hungry no lie @toqnix is my daddy
i am indeed.
i wish i knew how to unfollow and report, sadly i dont ):
congrats on mod i suppose
That pfp must be you considering you are only 10 ;)
boku no hero academia much
gang gang dady juz liek u touht m3h
You watch ep23 yet ? the ending was a huge twist
I was joking on the matter when I said I was going to go unsupport for killing me. The reasons why I changed my mind is because what you put in...
No support
Why this page so inactive, lame
You have my respect for applying for a position you have no chance in hell you are ever getting.