Congrats man
I highly advise you to check over what you type, that's one thing you should make sure to check on. Also I'm not an expert in any of this when it...
Honest, I feel as if you are lying about your age, and your grammar proves my reasoning. No support kiddo
re zero
bom ppp
roode dun coment anyting if u hav nutin gud to say
h0w do i mastur dis , i wun to b3 m0de t0
No sup0t litwel kido, jaykay mayn sup0t
kill me
yes daddy i made it through
cannibalism is a reel ting.. ive done so
u stoopid lil kids go back to preskool
it's a picture of him currently in his age.
me too
whale u cant hav any since u is n0t worthy
This is why we are all dead by this kid trying to promote My Little Pony onto this corrupt server
Jubba nobody asked for this thread to be made. Just go on with your life that you really want, just stop faking your persona. Really irritates me...
No support, before you even applied for Staff you didn't really socialize in chat. You are changing that by actually talking in chat a few times...
so basically i want more follows, make me a happy potato and give me a follow!