I haven't decided but if I had to choose right now I'd be Pennywise or the Joker ( Heath Ledger). My family owns a haunted house where people...
Sniping the name "Shrinking" which is semi-og. [IMG]
Oh wow, that's amazing.
Hey, It's Parkercool24 good to see you.
I’m done… just stop. It’s time to stop.
Why would you want to stop windows from updating? Having windows update only benefits you from security issues and bug fixes. Having your system...
I think this was a good business decision on your part and also smart. The Eula really puts stress on funding servers to stay operative and still...
Why did you delete your "<3" ; (
I mean you were a moderator and was generally nice from what I've seen personally but I've noticed how you completely changed attitudes it's...
I don't choose to be biased or anything but I thought that was pretty rude myself to say on someone's birthday. The least you could do is keep it...
@Causal, you won the giveaway send me your PayPal email to receive $5 for premium. [IMG]
Thank you. : )
I'm giving away one premium rank on forums, I got extra cash on me and decided to use it help the server. If you would like to enter the one-month...
Ever heard of Earl? https://youtu.be/FCbWLSZrZfw
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. 2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Depends, if the...
Wow, this gave me an eye sore.
Mature thread, it's good seeing people owning to their mistakes and taking ownership. Hopefully, we can talk more you're generally a funny guy.